Welcome to Our July 2010 Newsletter

Finally, Summer! Warm weather! With it comes a renewed excitement about the future. We have noticed a nice uptick on work since spring. Maybe the weather has something to do vvith it but we have experienced a noticeable increase in workload company wide and a vvillingness on the part of you, our customers to make some long term commitments in regard to your repair needs. We continue to work very closely to give you the best value for your dollar and maximize your profit potential. Having just experienced (hopefully) a once in a lifetime economic dovvnturn we are cau­tiously optimistic about the future and will continue to be there to help you navigate these trou­bled waters. Thank you for your confidence in Speed Wrench. ~The Management

From All Phase Hydraulics & Machine

“Our service makes the difference” – and it shows lately.  We have experienced a recent surge in our cylinder repair business in the last couple months.

Though we can manufacture brand new hydraulic cylinders of all sizes and applications, it is often the most cost effective solution to simply repair your existing broken cylinder.  We clean and rebuild cylinders and hydraulic power units to a “like-new” condition.  We can pickup, deliver, and provide a customized solution to meet your unique needs.  Call us with you hydraulic challenges.  616-669-3975

View the Full Newsletter Below

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