Welcome To Our July 2015 Newsletter

2015 is half way over and it seems like we just got started. There is always a lot of excitement happening at Speed Wrench and the first half of this year was no exception. The one good thing is that we have our building projects behind us (for now) and we are concentrating on the business of doing business. Some areas that we have been focusing our attention this year:
1. Detroit – Probably the best and fastest growing business climate we have experienced in a long time. Brings back memories of Grand Rapids area in the 90’s, when housing was growing at breakneck speed. Currently, we have 4 resident technicians and a full-time salesman from our Speed-Tech division working that area.
2. Kalamazoo/Battle Creek – We currently have a resident technician from our truck divisions in this area full-time to service our customer base there, and are looking for additional help within 6 months.
3. Traverse City – Two resident technicians with assistance from GR-based technicians, also in the
Speed-Tech division. Business opportunities:
1. Our crane repair business has been growing steadily since we split that off into a separate division
2 years ago, and currently we have 4 service technicians focused in this area. We have had preliminary discussions of additional building space to accommodate this area of growth and have purchased property next to the Speed Wrench campus in anticipation of future growth needs.
2. We have experienced continued growth in our Body Shop division. Currently we have 5 technicians working this area and are hoping to add 1 additional employee this summer.
3. We have applied and been granted our dealers license to buy and sell used trucks. We hope to use the license primarily to assist our customers with their specific truck purchase needs.
As you can see, we at Speedwrench have been busy looking for and improving on areas in which we can enhance our customers service experience in a positive way, and help them in any way we can to reach their business demands and goals.newsletter-july-2015-online-copy
~ The Management
All Phase has continued to experience growth in both of our divisions. In order to keep up with the growth there have been a few changes. We have added two new pieces of equipment, a third pick up and delivery vehicle, as well as some new faces:
Josh Miner – Josh wears many hats helping in most areas of the operation including machining, welding, assembly, painting and packaging
Rich Ponstein – Rich joined our team this past winter. He is driving our third pick up and delivery truck.
Janelle Walma – Janelle joined our team this past May as our new Administrative Assistant.
Adrian Marcano-Kruz – Adrian came to us with hydraulic cylinder manufacturing experience and fills many roles including assembly, painting and packaging. Adrian is also instrumental in helping keep our inventory organized.
Bryan Martinez – Bryan came to us with hydraulic cylinder manufacturing experience and is a full time machine operator for us.
We have added a new
Fryer 6’’ CNC lathe to
help speed up the turnaround
for the cylinder
repair division!
We also added a new
machining center to
our operation. This
machine expands our
in-house capabilities
and increases
fabrication speeds on
many parts!