Welcome To Our January 2009 Newsletter
Welcome to 2009. As we begin another new year with its challenging economic environment and the uncertainty it brings, may we start each day by seeking our guidance from the Lord who controls all the events of our life and the world around us. 20 years. This is how long we have been “privileged to serve you”. That has been our business philosophy since our inception and we want to thank you, our customer, for helping us achieve this milestone. There is a lot of talk about customer service these days, but we feel that Speed Wrench has not just TALKED about it but has DELIVERED!
From All Phase Hydraulics
We would like to take this moment and welcome a couple new employees. The first is Bob Stevens. Bob started for us the end of September 2008 as a pickup and delivery driver. Bob has taken the place of Don Brown who has decided that it was time to retire. We miss him and wish him well. We would also like to welcome Gary Sluis. Gary joined us in August 2008 and works in the machining department. Gary’s primary responsibilities are running our CAD/CAM software and he runs our CNC lathe.
All Phase has recently added Mobile/Onsite repair service for hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic power units, hydraulic hoses, as well as press and production line equipment.