The History of Hydraulic Power

The History of Hydraulic Power

Back to The Basics of Hydraulic Power

People have been utilizing the power of fluids for practically as long as we have been around, it’s amazing to think about the history of hydraulic power – when you stop and think about how someone realized what possibilities there are with the use of hydraulics, it’s amazing! Power generated through fluid began with water. Early applications of water power include the water wheel, water clocks, and aqueducts. Over the last century, though, fluid power has made some drastic strides forward. In 1648, a physicist by the name of Blaise Pascal, al made some important discoveries within the world of fluid power. He realized that “any force applied to a confined fluid is transmitted uniformly in all directions throughout the fluid regardless of the shape of the container.” ( This realization was the beginning of making hydraulic power what it is today. Almost 100 years later, Daniel Bernoulli used the base of Pascal’s law to pressurize water within pumps and mills, followed years later by Joseph Bramah, who patented the very first hydraulic press, which truly revolutionized the way that fluid power and hydraulics would function forever. It didn’t take too long to realize that there had to be a better alternative to water within the hydraulics, which is when noncorrosive oil began to be used. Along with protecting the vessel better, oil is denser and can lift and handle much more weight. Not only that, but oil also doesn’t evaporate like water does and can more easily maintain temperature as needed.

In 1897, the first hydraulic excavator was built by the Kilgore Machine Company, making a breakthrough with the use of hydraulics. It wasn’t till many years later that hydraulic machines started to dominate the construction industry by being used to do a wide variety of things such as lifting, digging, pushing, and pulling – decreasing the amount of manpower necessary to do these tasks. These hydraulic machines had many advantages and still some disadvantages as well. They were much more powerful and seemed to last much longer, but they also required more expensive upkeep and repair.
As time went on, hydraulics started to evolve and began to be used in much more than just large machines such as bulldozers and cranes. People began to see the value of hydraulics for many different applications, even small ones such as car jacks, scissor lifts, pumps, and more! It didn’t take long to see that hydraulics was a sustainable idea that reached far and wide in the world of manufacturing, construction, repair, and so much more! Hydraulic power is highly valued for its force and ability to be controlled accurately.

history of hydraulic power

Over the last 100+ years, the world of hydraulics has been constantly changing, updating, and increasing productivity. Systems are improving, and new opportunities to use hydraulics are forming. Hydraulics are used in so many applications that you might not even realize, things from big equipment to small machinery, home solutions, and more.

If you are interested in learning more about your hydraulics or maybe you have some hydraulics or hydraulic components that you need looked at, please contact us today. Our team is more than happy to help you with whatever your hydraulic needs might be.

Need Assistance Servicing Your Hydraulic Parts?

Things to Check if your Hydraulic System Isn’t Working

Things to Check if your Hydraulic System Isn’t Working

Save Time and Money by Gathering All the Information Possible on your Hydraulic System

It can be challenging to own hydraulic equipment sometimes, especially when your company relies on them very much to keep business rolling. When your system stops working as it should, we would encourage you to do some evaluating of your machinery before you have an experienced mechanic come in for repairs. Please note – hiring an experienced mechanic is always going to be a smart decision when it comes to your equipment, but try to get the most information possible so that your mechanic can evaluate the machinery and equipment in the best and most efficient way. Saving you time and money!

Gather Information on The Issue

First thing is first when it comes to your Hydraulic System. If things are not running smoothly like normal, do your best to gather the most amount of information possible to explain the issue. This requires you to pay attention closely, we would even encourage you to take notes if you are able! Is your equipment operation slow or is your machine completely un-functioning? Is there a lot of noise or vibrations happening? Do your best to gather the most amount of information on what exactly is happening with your equipment as you try and use it. It might be that your equipment isn’t functioning at all and that you really aren’t able to gather too much information. The next step is going to be trying to put together some finer details about the overall issues. For example, if you are experiencing a large increase in vibration or noise when you are operating your equipment – when is it happening? Is it only when you are in a certain gear? Or is it 100% of the time. When did the issues start, and when was the last time you had your equipment or machine maintenanced? All of these details are good things to help you begin the troubleshooting process as you think about the various issues that could be happening within your hydraulic systems.

things to check if your hydraulic system isn't working

Rule Out Common Issues of Your Hydraulic System

The next step would be to rule out any common issues or problems that might be preventing your hydraulic systems from working to the best of their ability. These problems could be anything from overheating hydraulic fluid, to improper hydraulic fluid levels, to even a hydraulic leak or dirty/clogged filters. These common problems can be the cause of a lot of hydraulic system drama in your company, so take the time to check them out first if you are able. Now let’s take a look at some other issues that might be the root of your hydraulic system issues.

Other Possible Issues

Too Thick or Too Cold of Hydraulic Fluid

Having too thick or too cold of hydraulic fluid can cause various issues within your systems including slow operation and unpredictable operations. Another culprit could be air in your system. These things can really take a toll on your system if not addressed properly. So be sure to let your mechanic know if you suspect any of these problems with your hydraulic system.

Insufficient Oil, Incorrect Fluid, or Contamination

A common issue that seems to arise is with an excessive amount of noise or vibration with your equipment or machine. This could be a result of an insufficient amount of oil or even contamination. Be sure to check that your machine has enough oil and that the oil is not showing signs of air within the fluid. It’s possible that there are other issues causing noise and vibrations such as internal issues with bearings or couplings that might not be secured properly.

Fluid Leak

A fluid leak although maybe minor initially can cause big problems for your machinery if not addressed. Leaking fluid can also lead to many other issues with contamination and damaging parts. A fluid leak is likely due to worn out seals, damaged lines, or bad connections – so be sure to take a look at each of them before deciding how to move forward.

When dealing with the complexity that comes with hydraulic machinery and systems, there is often many different possibilities of things that could have caused the problem you are seeing come to fruition. Consulting with a experienced hydraulics mechanic or machinist is almost always the best decision for your equipment. If you have any questions regarding repairs or replacements for your hydraulics, please contact us today. We are happy to help in any way that we can.

Need Assistance Servicing Your Hydraulic Parts?

How To Avoid Hydraulic Fluid Contamination

How To Avoid Hydraulic Fluid Contamination

Hydraulic fluid contamination can create some major problems for your operation and machinery! It’s important to keep all of your machines and equipment running as smoothly as possible to avoid any unnecessary repair costs as well as to keep your machines running as long as possible. Hydraulic fluid contamination is one of the most common reasons for hydraulic systems to fail or lose effectiveness although you might not always realize it. Contamination can cause a multitude of problems for your equipment and machinery including leaks, sticky parts, corrosion and more. It’s obvious that machine and equipment owners are going to want to avoid hydraulic fluid contamination at all costs right, but how? What are some of the preventive measures you can take to keep your machinery and equipment running as smoothly as possible all while avoiding hydraulic fluid contamination?
First off, lets discuss what are the various contaminations that are most likely when it comes to your equipment’s hydraulic fluid. When you think about contaminants, its easy to jump to the thought of dirt, dust, flakes of metal, or other things that fly around in the use of machinery and equipment, and those things definitely will cause trouble if they get in your hydraulic fluid, but another lesser known contaminant is actually water! When water gets mixed in with your hydraulic fluid, the results can be devastating to your operation. Water can result in the corrosion of your equipment and hydraulics. Although contamination is sometimes unavoidable, let’s explore the different ways that you can protect your equipment from both particle contamination as well as fluid and water contamination.

Hydraulic Fluid 101: How To Avoid Hydraulic Fluid Contamination

Proper Fluid Care and Storage

Proper fluid care and storage is going to be one of the biggest ways that you can avoid hydraulic fluid contamination when it comes to your equipment and machinery. This ranges everything from proper storing containers, proper handling, as well as selecting the correct fluid for your particular equipment. All hydraulic fluids should be kept in completely sealed containers until they are ready to be used and any container of hydraulic fluid should be meticulously cared for – be sure to research your specific hydraulic fluid to make sure that you know exactly what measures should be taken when it comes to storage and handling. Certain hydraulic fluids need to be stored in a completely dry area because they will absorb moisture in a humid environment, other fluids are more sensitive to temperature changes and should be handled accordingly. Avoiding contamination in your equipment’s hydraulic fluid begins from the time you buy it, till you dispose of the empty container.

hydraulic fluid contamination in red hydraulic fluid application

Routine and Preventive Maintenance

Routine Maintenance is an important and simple way that you can avoid hydraulic fluid contamination. Some contamination is due to build up of residue or simply the overuse of fluid way past the point of when it should have been serviced. Set a schedule for your hydraulic equipment and machinery so that you remember to get it serviced by a professional routinely. This will make it easier to catch any build up or residue before it becomes a bigger issue involved more down time, and seriously affected equipment! To read more about the different benefits that you can experience through preventive maintenance, click here.

Although sometimes hydraulic fluid contamination is inevitable, there are certainly preventive measures that can be taken to protect your hydraulic equipment. We hope that this blog was useful as you think about how you can better care for your hydraulic machinery. If you are looking to have your hydraulic equipment serviced, please contact us today. We would love to talk to you about how we might be able to help.

Need Assistance Servicing Your Hydraulic Parts?

4 Ways To Tell It’s Time To Repair Your Hydraulic Hose

hydraulic hose repair

4 Ways To Tell It’s Time To Repair Your Hydraulic Hose

Hydraulic hoses are everywhere; they are a part of so many important applications, including construction equipment, recycling equipment, auto repair shops, and SO much more. Hydraulic machinery is so important in life today, and one major part of what makes hydraulics work is the hydraulic hose. Let’s discuss what a hydraulic hose is, what it does, and when it’s time to repair your hydraulic hose. 

In the Grand Rapids, Michigan area, All Phase Hydraulics is your go-to for comprehensive hydraulic solutions. We specialize in providing hydraulic hoses and fittings, as well as repair and maintenance services.

Hydraulic Hoses, Fittings, and Repair in Grand Rapids MI!

What Is A Hydraulic Hose?

A hydraulic hose is the part of your hydraulic machinery that transfers the hydraulic fluid over to the various areas, parts, and pieces of the machine. Hydraulic hoses need to be made from a durable yet pliable material – generally, hoses are constructed with synthetic rubber, thermoplastic, or Teflon. All of these materials are strong and durable, yet movable and adaptable. Commonly, your hydraulic hose will also have some sort of strong braided textile or fabric covering to reinforce the hose as it works. The hydraulic hose is such a crucial piece to your equipment that it is crucial to have as much reinforcement as possible so that your equipment and machinery can run as long as possible.

If you own any hydraulic machinery, chances are you’ve wondered how long the system will last, as well as how you can begin to notice that you need to replace or repair your hydraulic hose. The truth is there is no good answer for how long a hydraulic hose will last, the lifetime of the hose is dependent on multiple different variables including how you’re using your machinery, in what environment it’s in, and other things as well such as temperature and humidity. So if there is no concrete answer for how long your hose will last, the next best thing is going to be knowing the signs to tell when the time is nearing to get your hoses replaced so that you are not left down and out with unworking machinery while you wait for the pieces and parts to be repaired. When you have a good idea of when your hydraulic hose needs to be replaced or repaired, you can account for that maintenance in your schedule so that you are not left in a poor position with excessive downtime.

Take A Look At The Shelf Life

According to the Society of Automotive Engineers, the shelf life of any bulk rubber hose is ten years from the time it was manufactured. The manufactured date is on the lay-line of the hose, so be sure to check it and write it down in your records. Keep in mind that this date does not account for any wearing variables such as temperature, application, sunlight, and more – but this date might give you a better idea of how long your hose has.

Don’t Ignore Leaks

If you see any leakage, be sure to stop and take a look at your machine, leakage obviously has a source and can be a sign of some sort of break crack, or improper installation or use. Leaks will lead to hydraulic failure if not addressed, so if you do notice any leaks of any kind, be sure to look closer – it’s likely time to replace your hydraulic hose.

hydraulic hose repair

Keep An Eye Out For Kinks and Cracks

Staying on a preventive maintenance schedule will help you keep your machinery in great condition and also allow you to look for any kinks and cracks. Any sort of abrasion, kink, or crack is a good sign that your hose is beginning to wear down. It is 100 times better to replace your hose BEFORE failure by watching for signs of serious wear and tear.

Be Aware Of Rust & Buildup

Rust and different buildup on your hose can be an indication that it is time to look into replacing your hoses. The general rule is that red/orange rust is alarming and there is a need for inspection or replacement. White residue or buildup is OK and is not a cause for concern. If you do have excessive white buildup, we would still encourage you to stick with your preventive maintenance schedule and have someone look into it to be sure that your machinery is in tip-top shape.

In many cases, when it’s time to replace or repair your hydraulic hose, there will be signs, so be sure to educate yourself and your staff on preventive maintenance and why it is so important to your machinery. When you have a rigorous and disciplined schedule for preventive maintenance, it becomes easier to spot the trouble signs and it will become easier to tell when it’s time to replace or repair your hydraulic hose. If you want to learn more about the ten top reasons hydraulic hoses fail and how to prevent them, check out our blog here! If you are looking for a reliable source for your hydraulic hoses and fittings, be sure to contact us today, our staff is happy to help you find what you need!

Looking For Hydraulic Hoses & Fittings near Grand Rapids, Michigan?

Can A Hydraulic Cylinder Be Used As A Pneumatic Cylinder?

Pneumatic Cylinder

Can A Hydraulic Cylinder Be Used As A Pneumatic Cylinder?

Hydraulic vs. Pneumatic Cylinders

The source of confusion between hydraulic vs pneumatic cylinders has been going on for many years as their result and purpose seem to be extremely similar and some would argue, the exact same! So what does make these two applications so different? Can they be used interchangeably? How does each of them function that makes them different from the other? Let’s explore the differences and similarities of pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders so that we all have a better idea of what is best for each individual needs.

The similarities of the two are many! They both function in a very similar fashion, just with different means of movement. Both hydraulics and pneumatics require similar components and the idea behind them both is that force is exerted resulting in the ability to do something such as living, spinning, moving, pushing.  The possibilities are endless!

What Is the Difference?

The biggest difference between hydraulic vs pneumatic is actually the means by which the cylinder is working. 

Pneumatics use gas, generally air or pure gas in order to transmit power by compressing the gas.

Hydraulics on the other hand use fluid, often oil, glycol, and other flame resistant liquid options.

 Pneumatics in a very general sense are compressed air or gas that creates a linear force. They are pressurized systems that compress the air or gas in order to produce force allowing for movement to be created. The downside of pneumatic systems is that they really cannot produce more than 100 pounds per square inch (PSI) Because the pneumatic system is working with compressed air, there is a delay in movement, and also there is a requirement for a constant “compressor” source to keep things going. Some examples of pneumatic systems are a nail gun, pneumatic or “air” brakes used by busses and large trucks.

Hydraulics on the other hand is made up of a pressurized system rather than pressurizing gas or liquid. The pressurized hydraulic system uses moving liquids to move the pressure to different areas creating the force used to move the areas as needed. Hydraulic systems have the ability to create a much larger force, generally ranging from 1,500 up to 10,000 PSI which is obviously much more than what a pneumatic system can do. This results in a much larger ability to move and lift things – liquids are not very compressible which means that there is no delay in the movement. Some various examples of a hydraulic system in use are a dump truck, a hydraulic lift, and an excavator.

Pneumatic and Hydraulic cylinders are also made differently, generally, hydraulic cylinders are manufactured with thicker pieces of metal in order to be compatible with the high amounts of pressure moving within. With all of this information, we can know that although it might be POSSIBLE for a hydraulic cylinder to be used as a pneumatic cylinder, you ultimately want to keep them each in their retrospective areas for the best results.

If you have questions about your hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders or need to look into replacing your current cylinders, please see our pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders page and contact us today!

hydraulic cylinder

Check Out The Pneumatic & Hydraulic Cylinders We Offer!

What Is The Difference Between A Single & Double Acting Cylinder?

What is the Difference Between a Single & Double Acting Cylinders?

And How Do I Know Which Cylinder Is Right For My Project?

There are two main type of hydraulic cylinders, a single acting cylinder and a double acting cylinder, the two function very differently when it comes to the hydraulic fluid that is contained within, but what is the actual difference between the two – and how do you know which one is right for your machinery and equipment?

Single Acting Hydraulic Cylinders:

A single acting hydraulic cylinder is unique in the fact that the fluid within the mechanism only applies pressure onto one side of the piston. That pressure forces the cylinder shaft to extend creating that movement. The fluid within the cylinder is oil, preventing the cylinder from compressing. Depending on the single acting cylinder, the oil will either be forwarded into a separate reservoir or the other option is that by means of a small device, the oil will flow back automatically. This simple process is extremely effective when it comes to equipment and various devices, and is used by people around the world to simplify tasks that otherwise might be extremely challenging tasks. In short, a single acting cylinder only functions by means of pressure to one side, then retracts by another outside source such as the weight of the load, or commonly a spring.

single acting cylinder

Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinders:

A double acting cylinder functions a little bit differently from a single acting cylinder. In this type of hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic fluid is used to utilize pressure onto both sides of the piston permitting for both extension and compression with no help from any sort of spring, crank, or device. The double acting cylinder is not utilized in as many situations, but only when extreme force is needed in both extension and retraction of a device.

Now, when it comes to understanding which cylinder is correct when it comes to your piece of equipment, engine, or application, it’s important to understand what situations call for which cylinders! Single acting cylinders are simpler in design and are more compact making them versatile for many different situations. Although simple and versatile, the single acting cylinder also has some disadvantages when it comes to size and it’s force ability because it can only really provide a large amount of force one way. Whereas a double acting cylinder, although it is larger, and isn’t as compact, will provide a sort of power and force that is unmatched by the single-acting cylinder.

Examples of Single Acting Cylinders: Most car & diesel engines
Examples of Double Acting Cylinders: Steam Engines

This is just a brief overview of how single and double acting cylinders differ as well as the various applications that you might use them for. If you are unsure about which cylinder will serve best for your project, please Contact Us here at All Phase Hydraulics. We would be happy to help you find which cylinder will be best for you.

Check Out The Various Types of Cylinders We Carry & Distribute

Ultimate Guide To Manufacturing & Installing Your New Hydraulic Cylinder

custom hydraulic cylinder

1. Brainstorm and Plan

First thing is first, always have a plan and idea. Whether you have a very basic cylinder that needs to be made, or a complex, custom hydraulic cylinder idea to make your machine work. A plan is always a good idea and a necessity in most cases. Sit down and brainstorm and plan for your project. Have some general specs and ideas for what and how you want the finished product to be and function.

2. Design

Once you have a good plan of how your hydraulic cylinder should function and work, you can move into the design portion of the process. This can and will be done by an experienced engineer. Either one that you might have already on staff, or it’s possible that your manufacturing company has an engineer on staff or that they partner with regularly. This process can be lengthy, as the idea comes to life into an actual design, made to work perfectly for your project.

3. Manufacturing

Once a design has been completely solidified the manufacturing can officially begin. If you do not have the manufacturing capabilities, it’s important to find a company that you trust, that has a proven track record of success with manufacturing and repairing hydraulic cylinders. All Phase Hydraulics & Machine would love to chat with you about manufacturing your custom or general hydraulic pieces.

4. Testing

After your new hydraulic cylinder has been manufactured, comes the time to test the new piece with your machine. You will have to carefully install your new piece into the machine and begin the testing process. We recommend that you always test your machines on something low risk just in case there are any kinks to be worked out. You want to be able to work those out without affecting any of your production in a major way.

5. Maintenance and Up-Keep

Your new machine is up and working, you’ve tested everything, and even started using your new setup. Now comes the maintenance and general up-keep of your equipment. We believe that routine and preventive maintenance is crucial in the life of your equipment – not only to extend the machines life, but also to keep up the best possible productivity as well! See our friends over at Speed-Tech Equipment’s recent blog about preventive maintenance!

For more information on partnering with All Phase Hydraulics to design, build, and maintain your generic and custom hydraulic cylinders, please contact us today. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Our team of dedicated individuals is ready to face any challenge and ensure that you are receiving a high quality hydraulic cylinder for your machine!

Hydraulic Hose Failure Reasons & How To Prevent Them

Hydraulic Hose Failure Reasons & How To Prevent Them

Prevent Future Hydraulic Hose Failures with These Quick Inspection Tips

Hydraulic Hose failure is no joke, not only can it be dangerous, but it also can leave you without an important piece of machinery sometime as the hose gets fixed or replaced. While sometimes there is not anything you can do to prevent your hydraulic hose failure, there are various routines that you can adopt in order to stop waiting for your next hydraulic hose to fail you with poor timing. Here are 10 top reasons behind hydraulic hose failure, and a few tips & things you can do to do your best in preventing it from happening.


Site Damage

Site damage is a direct result of the conditions that your machine is in. This will mostly be seen in aggressive conditions such as construction sites. The hydraulic hoses in these situations are easily subject to more abuse, at times being hit or busted on by other high density objects like steel and concrete – the scenarios are endless. Now this is something that an operator can only do so much to prevent. The best thing someone can do to help prevent site damage to the point of hose failure is regularly checking over your machine, making sure that all pieces are in good condition, and when you begin to see a piece of any hydraulic hose starting to show noticeable wear there are options such as metal or textile reinforcement sleeves that will help prolong the hydraulic hose life until you can schedule it for maintenance accordingly allowing you to will help prevent a sudden hydraulic hose failure in the middle of a project so that you do not have to go without a machine in a poor situation.

hydraulic hose failure reasons


Wear & Tear

General wear & tear isn’t something that you can really truly prevent. Just like any thing else, hydraulic hoses are meant to be used! With use will come wear and tear, but similarly to site damage, the thing you CAN prevent is hydraulic hose failure in the worst time possible. With a routine maintenance check of your equipment you can keep a look out for hoses that might be rubbing incorrectly, missing clamps, cracked hosing or anything else that could lead to a equipment crisis. Taking the time to go through a routine check over will exponentially lessen the likelihood of your machine failing you at a bad time.


Contaminated Fluid

The fluid that is running through your hose can cause just as much damage as anything else to your hydraulic hoses. As pieces of the system break down, small fragments of various origins can create abrasions on the inside of your system. Contaminated fluid can also be a result of improper maintenance. In order to lessen the likelihood of contaminated fluid in your hoses, be sure to properly read the instruction manual & follow the steps in regards to changing your machines oil & filters. In addition to that, it’s a good idea to add to your list of routine maintenance to take small samples of your hydraulic fluid to ensure purity & lack of external particles.


Tube Erosion

Another common cause of hydraulic hose failure is tube erosion. This is generally caused by a concentrated high velocity fluid traveling through the hose. To best prevent tube erosion, it is important to have the correct size hoses for your machine & for the amount of fluid & pressure that they will be undergoing. If you have questions about what the proper size hose is for your specific situation & machine, please Contact Us Today, we are happy to help you!

hydraulic hose failure reasons



Non Compatible Fluid

Believe it or not, hydraulic hoses are not all things to all fluids…that seems obvious right? The fluid you run must be compatible with the corresponding hose, if not, you run the risk of many complications such as hose disintegration, swelling, and leaking, which can in then turn into a much larger issue such as system contamination.

Bend Radius Exceeded & Kinks Manifesting by Fittings

A bend radius is very important to take notice of and keep in mind as you use your hydraulic hoses, ignoring the recommended bend radius can easily shorten the life of your hydraulic hose through kinking, & crushing your hose. Not only does it weaken the hose, but as the bend radius is exceeded, there is less and less space for the fluid inside the hose to move.



Heat Aged

Not only over heating but under heating as well can cause damage to your hydraulic hoses resulting in failure. Over heating will cause the outside of your hydraulic hoses to harden & in some cases crack creating a weak piece in the puzzle. It’s important to try your best not to let your machinery over heat letting them rest as needed, if that is not possible, it’s important (once again) to do routine checks of your machinery making sure that they are properly functioning & in good condition.

Improper Assembly

This is possibly one of the most dangerous reasons behind hydraulic hose failure! If you are allowing someone to assemble or replace pieces and hoses on your hydraulic machinery, it is important that they fully understand exactly what they are doing. It’s important that the pieces are carefully cleaned & flushed to prevent fluid contamination. The pieces must be fit together at the proper length & with proper force. Fittings should be crimped into place correctly & the ends of the hoses need to be properly adjusted. Done incorrectly can lead to serious destruction, leaks & issues in your machinery.

Hydraulic Pressure Gauge


Poor Planning & Routing

Many hydraulic hose failures could be prevented with better routing & planning of the machine. Poor routing can be the cause of two different hoses rubbing together causing friction & potential abrasions. While working on your machinery, make sure to read through your manuals to route your hydraulic hoses correctly to minimize friction between hoses, or other routing issues. Another way to prevent poor routing is to have an experienced hydraulics technician work on your machinery, this will give you the confidence in a job well done.

Hydraulic Hose Failure Reasons


Improper Hose Length/Width

Improper hose length & width can be a quick way to create hydraulic hose failure that could potentially leave you in a really poor position. Too short of a hose will not leave enough room for the expansion & contraction of the hose through use. Be sure to research your machine & read the manual to make sure that you are replacing or adjusting the hose properly & with the correct size hose.

These are 10 of the top hydraulic hose failure reasons, but they are not ALL of the reasons. Be sure to keep a routine of checking of your equipment regularly, along with the hydraulic hoses & all pieces related & remember, not all hydraulic hose failures can be prevented.
If you are unsure how to properly bring the above preventative measure to completion & need help repairing or replacing your hydraulic hoses, please contact us today – we are more than happy to help you!

All Phase is proud to offer you custom hydraulic repair services that lowers your cost, improves your machine productivity, and keeps peak system efficiency! For a full list of services that All Phase Hydraulics offers, see our repair services and products to find out what we may be able to assist you with.

Need Help Fixing With Hydraulic Hose Repairs? We Can Help!

contact us today!

Hydraulic Cylinder Reseal

What are Hydraulic Cylinder Seals

A cylinder seal is a mechanical component that prevents the fluid in the cylinder from leaking. It creates a barrier between the components acting as a pressure barrier to control the flow. The seal gaps between the moving parts within a cylinder prevent fluids from leaking, while also maintaining system pressure. Hydraulic Cylinder seals are made to seal the open parts between the cylinder system which means that they have to mold to the variety of different features hydraulic cylinders have. Hydraulic seals ensure that the cylinder will have a long life, while also running correctly. There are different types of seals depending on the type of surfaces that are included in your hydraulic cylinder. Seals help to prevent hydraulic fluid from mixing with external fluids and prevent other contamination like dirt and debris as well. When resealing a cylinder you need to be sure that you are making the right selection and considering all factors that play into your system.

What to Consider When Deciding on a Hydraulic Seal

  • Fluid Pressure Range
    • Range of Pressure for the System Fluid
    • Frequency of the Pressure Peaks
  • Temperature Range
    • Using both Operating and Rest Temperatures of the Fluid and the System
  • Speed
    • Stroking Speed of the Piston Rod
    • How Quickly or Slowly will the Piston move? 
  • Fluid
    • Type and Viscosity of Fluid ~ Specific to each System
  • Hardware Dimensions
    • Size and Shape of the Hardware 
    • Rod and Bore Diameters, Dimensions and Gaps, Length and Surface
  • Application of the Cylinder
    • Type of Equipment the Cylinder will be used on
    • How it will Operate, and be Installed
    • What Outside Factors Impact the System

These are the most common considerations when selecting a hydraulic seal, if you need assistance with this process, we can help you out or do it for you!

Different Kinds of Hydraulic Seals

Piston Seals

Piston Seals, are also referred to as piston rings. This system is made to reduce leakage between components in a reciprocating motion which is the primary function. Piston seals prevent gas and lubricants from leaking by forming a seal in the cylinder tube. By maintaining the pressure, the piston is able to move efficiently, making sure to keep the system sealed and performing well. 

Rod and Buffer Seals

Rod and Buffer Seals are metal rods inserted in either a rubber or plastic sealing element. Conforms to the rod surface which conforms to the rod surface and creates a tight seal that keeps internal pressure. Flexible, keep in pressure, and keep any contaminants away.

Wiper Seals

Different systems and environments that they are used in mean that certain features are more important. Wiper seals keep dirt, debris, and other contaminants out of the rest of the machine. It includes a lip that scrapes the system’s surface when it moves so that it gets rid of accumulated particles. This is a system that is usually used with other ones to ensure the safety and the pressure of the machine. Typically used with other seals to make sure all areas are taken care of. 

Guide Rings

Mounted on pistons and piston rods of hydraulic cylinders to absorb side loads and prevent metal-to-metal contact that has a lot of different factors to begin. Guide rings are able to provide support for the piston and rod.

Hydraulic Cylinder Reseal

Is it Time for you to get a Hydraulic Cylinder Reseal?

We understand that the hydraulic cylinder reseal process can be daunting and frustrating with all the work that you have to do. Not to mention taking the time to buy new custom seals, then wait, then perform the maintenance. We are here to help! We offer a complete hydraulic cylinder reseal service for our clients. But, if you are more of a hands-on type of individual, we can help you too. Either select your new seals from our variety, or send us in your old set…regular or custom, and we will ship out your new hydraulic cylinder seals the following day.
To learn more, click on the button below and Contact Us!

All Phase Hydraulics & Machine is a manufacturing and repair company located in Michigan specializing in various custom hydraulic repair & custom re-chroming services. We also offer mobile onsite repair throughout Michigan, as well as the northern parts of Indiana. With the mobile service we are able to travel to your facility, diagnose the issues with your equipment, and repair them without you ever having to leave your home. All Phase Hydraulics & Machine offers Cylinder Repair, Hydraulic Repair, Re-Chroming/Custom Seals, Pumps, Motors, & Valves, and Mobile On-Site Repair Service. We also offer products such as Hydraulic Jacks, Hydraulic Hoses, Hydraulic/Pneumatic Cylinders, and Pumps/Motors.

All Phase Hydraulics

2017 Newsletter: Cylinder Repair Division

All Phase Hydraulics & Machine believes that a quality cylinder repair is more than just seals and new paint. We pride ourselves on our ability to return a cylinder to its original specifications or better.


Tom Andrus
Tom Andrus
cylinder repair division
Eugene DeBoer

Let’s meet some of the team that is part of the division working hard to deliver quality cylinder repair to you!  

This June, Gene decided to use his thirty years of experience in sales to benefit the team at All Phase Hydraulics. Instead of buying and selling pallets for Kamps Pallets, he now advertises for both the repair and manufacturing of hydraulic cylinders. Before Gene was in sales, he farmed for thirteen years; now he goes out to Iowa twice a year to get his farming fix at his brother’s farm. Gene and his wife Ruth Ann have six children and eighteen grandchildren.

Tom has joined All Phase Hydraulics to lend a helping hand to the manufacturing division. He has worked hard to assemble, package and ship brand new cylinders hot off the machines. Before joining us, Tom worked for a year as an IT Field Engineer. Tom spends his free time outdoors doing anything from camping to kayaking to skeet shooting.

We are so proud of the members that we have on our team. All Phase Hydraulics is dedicated to meeting our consumer needs, and we make sure that each and every employee has the same dedication and focus that we do. We are excited to show off our hard-working employees and recognize them for the way they help our company run. Please Contact us today to learn more about what we do and how we can help you with your specific needs. We cannot wait to hear from you, and look forward to partnering with you. Give us a call today at 616.669.3975